for the most part, i have kept my updates to the daily post as part of my goals this year. unfortunatly i do not know if i have reached anyone as no comments are made. i know that i am guilty of the above and the below.
is it easier to not comment and just say mmmmm to a post?
does it take up too much time to comment?
do you really care about the post?
so since communication is such a big part of our lives and the most likely misunderstood skill that most of us could improve, do we comment?
going forward each time i read a post i will strive to leave a comment.
you know, since I typically read sites through google reader, it's so much easier to just read it than to comment. I'll try to be better too! I've really liked your last few posts - good things to do and think about!
Since Christmas, I have doing my catchup on my iTouch and not on the computer. So like Carey, it is much easier to read than to comment. And again like her, I have liked reading your posts.
I read your posts too! Just these last two weeks or so have been crazy busy and I haven't had much computer time :( I haven't even been posting on my blog. I too use reader to read my blogs. Plus I often run into issues b/c I have a WordPress account and blogger does not let me put comments in. Bah!
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