24 March 2010

Manny and Emily visit

What a great visit we had this weekend with Manny and Emily. Mary also came up for the weekend. On Friday evening Cimi, Randy and Judy were over for dinner. Gotta get the table fixed so it does not collapse one day into Cimi's lap. Saturday was spent shopping at Macys Mall at Millenia. Manny always likes to spend his hard earned money at this mall. During the afternoon at the mall Macys had Cat Cora, the only Female Iron chef, demo in the store. Yes I was working during this time. That evening the family joined us for one of Manny's favorite mom dishes, fajitas. Sunday was just a lazy day. The weather was rainy so we just chilled out at home and then joined Cimi and Randy for dinner. Then it was Monday morning and they had to get back to Lafayette to their jobs, school and of course their lives. Visits like that are all too short and I always want to go back to New Orleans when they are all over cause I want to be near all of our families. But alas life is not that way, we all have jobs, homes and lives in our own cities and need to remind ourselves to cherish the moments we had with each other and to look forward to the the next time we will be with each other. All of the pics from the weekend, including tons of Cat Cora, are now posted on my picasa page. I also uploaded all of the Mardi Gras pictures too. Carey maybe you can tell me how to get more light into night pictures with no large flash. Check them out.