Terri always sends me the Times Picayune when she mails us something. Today there was an article about Ray Nagin and tickets. I just sent the following note to the mayor's office, the NFL, Gambit Weekly and the Times Picayune and now to all of you.
Ray Nagin and Superbowl Tickets
I am still in awe of the audacity of the mayor of New Orleans. I just finished reading an article in the Times Picayune about this topic. The city should not be paying for you to represent them at the Superbowl in Miami. The mayor believes it is "owed' to him to get better tickets than the "nosebleed" that have been offered for sale, but he states "better connection" than the Saints organization. How unfortunate that this type of behavior is still going on in his mind. There are hardworking people in the city of New Orleans who would be thrilled to be able to purchase any type ticket for the Superbowl. Shame on you Ray Nagin.
A Saints fan formally of New Orleans.
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