The 1st week of June is now over.
Exciting to meet the trio finally. How cute are they. Hudson was busy with duplos. I remember Manny being just as busy as he was. Bennett was cranky from lack of sleep, so his mom said. And Miss Kate was just busy. What a precious family. Carey and Stephanie are blessed and I know their Gamma just loves it all. Come on Hunter you need to be a part of this too.
During that vacation in May I rearranged some of the garden elements to the front area
. One of the items that was moved next to our door, was my fountain. Dago reminds me to make sure there is always water in it as he has spotted birds coming to drink and play in it. Tonight as we were eating dinner, we again noticed this small bird with a piece of something in her beak. Dago said that she was building a nest somewhere next to the fountain. After I finished up the kitchen I decided to explore the potted plants to see where this nest could be. It is being built in the middle of a pot of Mother in Law tongues (that is what I know the plant as). This is why we know that this bird is female cause she must be getting ready to lay eggs in this nest. Check it out, how cool is this? So leaving you for the week by saying "stop and enjoy what is given to us freely. "
We had a nest of cardinals in the tree by the porch. I noticed it too late to look for eggs or maybe we had infertiles living in it.
I am so jealous that you got to play with the babies.
That birds nest is so cool! Keep a look out for eggs and babies and take some good pics!
Depending on the bird it might be a male. The female might be closes
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