08 October 2008
So the 2nd debate is now behind us. Interesting, still undecided, but leaning towards Obama....
Based upon the main topic that concerns me at this time, I did some goggling and here is what I looked for.
Interest rates
30 year fixed 6.49%
15 year fixed 6.14%
1 year adjust 6.04%
Credit Card Interest
no rewards 12.34%
rewards 14.41%
student 14.45%
business no reward 10.39%
business rewards 11.69%
Top 5 Golden Parachute payout
WaMu $20 million
Allied Waste $52 million
Pftizer $20 million
Bramble $7.7 million
HP $21 million
and the Parachute of the day AIG $15 million
That is just on the 1st page of Google for a total of $315 million!
So what is the question or the point? I am all for helping those Americans who truly need the help, but as anyone who will be casting a vote in 30 days, what will you do for ME? I am an American that believes in the dream and that hard work gets you the dream, not easy fixes, which I believe that when you signed that paper 5 years ago knowing that your adjustable rate could double or even triple, why would you do that? Why do those of us that have struggled to get what we have, by not going above and beyond our means, have to FIX those that had no conscience of what they were doing and woke up that morning of signing the paper stupid? Which candidate do you believe is watching out for those of us who follow common sense and believe that our hard work will reward us? I am going to post this blog on both candidates pages and see who will answer and be concerned with this one American who is undecided. Looking forward to your comments.
06 October 2008
Catching up

So I am finally getting back to the world of blogging. I just reviewed my last post and found out that it has almost been a month since I was in contact with any of you lurkers and family bloggers out there. Happy belated birthday to Jeff, Chris and Jim and Happy Anniversary to Cimi and Randy and Chris and Jim. Oh, and Happy one day late Birthday to Manny.
Lots has happened since I last blogged. Manny left for Lafayette for his court date on the day that Ivan decided to make its way across the Gulf and headed for Texas this time. He arrived prior to the storm making landfall and Lafayette had closed all govt. offices down, so Manny has now relocated back to Louisiana, sans car. What other things could happen? I got through all of that and have accepted that I no longer have the control or the influence over him, that being said, I am still in his corner and hoping that all will work out with his future decisions.
After the hurricane happened it was time to hope on the plane to Miami and the class that I have been taking all year. It was a great 3 days and lots of progress for our Group Project was made. Our project is how to generate sales in the small volume Cosmetic doors. I am the introducer of the project and in working on developing a cross training course. Our group has to present the project to all of the Senior Management Team of Macy*s Florida at the end of October. Lots of homework this week.
Oh, did I mention that I am on vacation again?
Today we just drove in from New Orleans. We spent the weekend celebrating Dago's parents 50th Wedding Anniversary, moving Jacki back and bringing Manny his car. And we did this all in just 4 days. What a whirlwind of a weekend it was. We spent time with all of Dago's family, celebrating the anniversary, nephews birthdays and brothers anniversaries. We picked up CJ and Elijah on Saturday and had them the entire weekend. Had and opportunity to visit with Kay and Tom, Terri's parents, and spent an afternoon BBQing with Terri, Cindy, Donna and Oggie down in Luling before heading back up to Algiers for the celebrations.
Dago misses everyone extremely and I think that if any possibility would ever come up for us to go back, it would be a discussion. I still am not convinced that New Orleans is the right place to be. The city, especially Algiers, is not the place I would want to spend my retirement years in. It is so different since the hurricane. Not alot of opportunities, the neighborhoods have changed dramatically and it just does not feel good to me. I still believe that it is a great place to visit, but other than that.....
We are now getting ready for the Saints on Monday night football and just taking it easy. So hello to all and will be much better with the blogging.
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